The Car Wash

This weekend, I got my car washed at a place in Sherman Oaks that I had never been to before.  When I went to pay, the the man at the register noticed the book I placed on the counter, Onward by Howard Schultz.  He read the title out loud and he immediately knew that this was “the Starbucks” book.   He asked me why I was reading it.  I told him that I’m working towards opening my own business.  Of course, he asked me what my business was.  I gave him a brief summary and said that I was currently seeking the capital/invesors to make Yoga-urt a reality.  

He proceeded to ask me a few questions like why do I think I will find investors for this business?  What’s so special about it?  About me?  I gave him my answers and I believe he saw my passion and dedication.  You never know what questions you are going to get when you approach potential investors, so I look at this as practice.  

I showed him my business card that had the logo on it.  He took it from me and started to tape it to his wall.  He said that a lot of people go through here and you never know – Magic Johnson even comes around every now and then he said.  He thought that it may catch someone’s eye.  I then showed him my teaser rack card I made with a concept illustration and more info about Yoga-urt and he taped that to the wall too.  We basically chatted about my business the whole time my car was there and would pause for a moment when other people came around to pay. 

I’m not expecting anything to come from this interaction, but I thought why not leave the stuff on the wall?  What harm will it do?  

I love how Yoga-urt connects me with people I would most likely never talk to.  The man at the car wash, restaurant owners, people at parties, etc.  No matter what happens on this journey, I know that I’ve grown in many ways and opened myself up to people in a way that I haven’t before.  Image