The last 8 months…

It’s been around 8 months since my last entry.  I’m sad to say that Yoga-urt has not been my main focus during this time.  I had a full-time job and then that ended due to lack of projects and then I started a new job.  I’ve been with the new company for over 6 months now and so far so good.  

I never gave up on Yoga-urt, but I didn’t always know what to do next.  After about 2 years of looking for investors, I figured that may not be the way this happens. Whenever someone would ask me about Yoga-urt, I would say I’m open for a miracle and I haven’t given up.  Just working right now to hopefully save money until I figure it out. So I’ve been working, working, working, and going to yoga classes among other things.  Yoga is my happy place and continues to support me in my journey.  

The good news is a new Yoga-urt idea came to me a few weeks ago that I’m actually really excited about and it might be something I can fund myself.  I am in the process of researching the costs and the laws surrounding my idea to see if I should and can move forward.  It’s something that I never imagined myself doing, let alone getting excited about, but that’s really true for this entire Yoga-urt journey.  Life is funny and yoga has taught me to stay open and that’s what I’m trying to do.  I’m open to the gifts that the universe has for me.  

More to come soon…


The Car Wash

This weekend, I got my car washed at a place in Sherman Oaks that I had never been to before.  When I went to pay, the the man at the register noticed the book I placed on the counter, Onward by Howard Schultz.  He read the title out loud and he immediately knew that this was “the Starbucks” book.   He asked me why I was reading it.  I told him that I’m working towards opening my own business.  Of course, he asked me what my business was.  I gave him a brief summary and said that I was currently seeking the capital/invesors to make Yoga-urt a reality.  

He proceeded to ask me a few questions like why do I think I will find investors for this business?  What’s so special about it?  About me?  I gave him my answers and I believe he saw my passion and dedication.  You never know what questions you are going to get when you approach potential investors, so I look at this as practice.  

I showed him my business card that had the logo on it.  He took it from me and started to tape it to his wall.  He said that a lot of people go through here and you never know – Magic Johnson even comes around every now and then he said.  He thought that it may catch someone’s eye.  I then showed him my teaser rack card I made with a concept illustration and more info about Yoga-urt and he taped that to the wall too.  We basically chatted about my business the whole time my car was there and would pause for a moment when other people came around to pay. 

I’m not expecting anything to come from this interaction, but I thought why not leave the stuff on the wall?  What harm will it do?  

I love how Yoga-urt connects me with people I would most likely never talk to.  The man at the car wash, restaurant owners, people at parties, etc.  No matter what happens on this journey, I know that I’ve grown in many ways and opened myself up to people in a way that I haven’t before.  Image

Daring Greatly

This past weekend, I read a great book called Daring Greatly by research professor Brene Brown.  This book changed the way I look at vulnerability.  I always thought that being vulnerable was a weakness.  Who wants to be vulnerable?  It always made me so uncomfortable and I’ve struggled with vulnerability my whole life. 

After reading this book, I now look at vulnerability in a different way.  The author describes vulnerability as uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure.  It’s also the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity.  It is the source of hope, empathy accountability, and authenticity.  She says that if we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path.

Why am I writing about this here?  I realized that my entire Yoga-urt journey is actually the definition of vulnerability:  uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure.  It’s clear after reading this book that we all have to be more vulnerable if we want to dare greatly.  Sharing Yoga-urt brings out my vulnerability, but it’s my way of daring greatly.  As I continue on this journey, I hope that I can continue to embrace being vulnerable because it’s where the magic happens.